Audio teachings and meditations from my extensive library of hundreds of hours of programs and courses. I have extracted lectures, teachings, and practices that might offer solace and support. While shorter meditations and teachings are readily available across many platforms, my intention is to cherish and expand our collective attention span through these longer practices.


See - 10 minute meditation to build attention to the here and now while creating a sense of allowing for things to be just as they are/
Feel - 15 minute practice creating a sense of safety in the body, inhabiting the body with more focus, and tending to feelings and emotions
Explore - 10 minute sit to bring on the presence of the conscious observer while generating curiosity when the mind distracts
Engage - 10 min practice working with and engaging the quiet teachers, seeking for the messengers inside and all around you.

In this supportive, nurturing time together, redefine suffering in order to face the vicissitudes of life with steady practice, care for yourself and our shared heart.What is broken-heartedness but an honest meeting of the circumstances of our lives, allowing our hearts to break along with our carefully-crafted illusions. Enter into this dialogue of care, allowing the persona to drop away, revealing the tenderness that underlies this moment, and then the next. Expect seated meditation, light movement, talks and closing forum.

asana, meditation & breath intensive

Practice with Ally in her Spring 2023 Weekend Immersion:
A weekend immersion of teachings and practices which explore the Immoveable Place inside each of us and the subtle fire needed to become still enough to touch it. Breath, asana and meditation practices included in all 3 sessions

4 Classes of asana, meditation & breath
Practice with Ally in her Fall 2022 Intensive:
8 hours total of teachings, asana, meditation, & breath.
Class 1 Organizing the Energy. Methodically align as we explore attitude, alignment and action (Icca, Jnana, & Kriya) in this practice of forward folds and valoma pranayama.
Class 2 Stitch the Heart - A slow and intelligent built to backbends as we avoid the path of habitual movement and direct action towards where needs the most healing. With valoma pranayama, meditation and savasana.
Class 3 Steady the Waters - Mix up the flow, churn the energy, and then steady the waters. This 2 hour practice is slow and steady with an emphasis on various breathing practices and a longer meditation.
Class 4 - Integration - A dynamic flow class, arm balances and twists, with a long heart-coherence meditation & savasana.

This course includes practical and progressive teachings on how to begin or deepen your practice of mindfulness and meditation. This program methodically teaches and explains the essential and subtler aspects of the nature of the mind.
10 audio meditations: non-judgmental awareness, breath and presence, building your witness, equanimous mind, loving what is, gratitude, forgiveness, accessing the heart.
9 audio lectures include: why meditation works (from the scientific to the spiritual), how to best build and implement a daily practice of mindfulness and self-study, open mind/open heart, and practical questions from a group of people ranging from beginners to advanced practitioners on how to access more choice, authenticity and release of the past.